54, rue Mary Besseyre
92174 Vanves - FRANCE
Sales department: contact@paris-contentieux.fr
Management department: info@paris-contentieux.fr
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I love my customers

Paris Contentieux International places you at the heart of its strategy.I love my customers

We facilitate the management of the follow-up of your files by offering you a single contact who regularly reports to you on the progress of your files.

How to deal with your receivables outside France ?

Commercial cultures are very different depending on the country. It is therefore necessary to act according to these particularities.

There are some countries where amicable settlement occurs naturally and effectively.

This is the case of Western countries (Western Europe, North America) or with an Anglo-Saxon tradition (Australia).

Some countries, notably those of the Maghreb, require firmer and more sustained action in order to reach a settlement, without ever forgetting that it is first and foremost about your client.

In general, the amicable negotiation leads to the setting up of a payment schedule, very often well respected by the debtors. Depending on the case, telephone reminders may be necessary. Once again, it is imperative to be able to communicate with the debtor in his own language…

In the event of failure of amicable recovery, the reason for non-payment then remains to be identified by means of a telephone exchange in the language of the interlocutor.

Our litigation lawyer specializing in international law is based on our premises: he manages and initiates the actions carried out locally by our network for the recovery of your debts abroad.

He will ensure the feasibility of your file, the chances of success of a possible procedure before providing you with a very precise estimate and soliciting your agreement. Once your agreement has been obtained, we will launch the necessary procedures.

For the follow-up of your files, you benefit from personalized support close to you.

We prepare minutes and reports in the language of your choice (French, English, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.) and we inform you of each progress in your file.