54, rue Mary Besseyre
92174 Vanves - FRANCE
Sales department: contact@paris-contentieux.fr
Management department: info@paris-contentieux.fr
contact us
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A network of qualified bailiffs and lawyers for an International service.

Paris Contentieux relies on a network of bailiffs and qualified lawyers or competent colleagues depending on the country.

Our network has been built for 25 years and is above all based on trust. It is created over time in various ways:

  • Prospecting (we prospect and we are also prospected by these professions)
  • The recommendation (our colleagues in particular) and the historicization of our relations in a profession where we enjoy a good reputation (all our lawyers are qualified) and where everyone knows each other.

Each service provider was tested over a defined period in order to know the quality of the work and the human relationship of the speaker. Specifications are systematically put in place with our stakeholders in order to guarantee the procedure to be followed in the files entrusted.

All International files are initially processed in our premises in Vanves (92).

We speak 8 languages ​​internally (English, Spanish, German, Literary Arabic, Italian, Russian, Algerian, Moroccan).

We systematically start with an amicable negotiation , adapting to the profile, the language spoken and the time difference of the debtor, and try to resolve the file.

If amicable collection fails, our lawyers assess the feasibility of each file on a case-by-case basis and thus verify the feasibility of the procedure, while measuring the chances of success of the latter before transferring the file to our lawyers or colleagues in the country concerned.
Prior to the transfer, our request will be accompanied by a recommendation explaining why we wish to transfer the file. This step will only be carried out after written agreement from the client.

Our correspondent on site will then be able, depending on the type of file and the country concerned:

  • Attempt a home visit (after written agreement from the customer) in order to obtain payment on the spot (provided that this type of visit is authorized in the country concerned). A reasoned report and a photo will be sent to you at the end of the visit.
  • Propose the legal procedure (quote with fixed cost sent before procedure).


Paris Contentieux has, after 25 years, been able to weave a network of trusted correspondents in most countries of the world.

We follow the entire course of the procedure until the court decision is obtained.