54, rue Mary Besseyre
92174 Vanves - FRANCE
Sales department: contact@paris-contentieux.fr
Management department: info@paris-contentieux.fr
contact us
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Judicial recovery

Once all the amicable recovery have been exhausted, we submit to your prior agreement a judicial recovery.

The procedure is oriented according to the sums to be recovered and the documents available.

ANALYSIS : Internal evaluations by our qualified business lawyers, of the feasibility of the procedure and measurement of the chances of success of the latter before the transfer of the file to our lawyers.
Of course after quote and customer agreement.

ACTION : We advise our clients in the orientation of actions, according to the solvency of the debtors, in order to optimize the costs (lawyer's fees, court and bailiff's fees).

We follow the entire course of the procedure from the summons, to the procedural and pleading hearings until the decision is obtained. We manage all the enforcement procedures with our bailiff partners, until the funds are obtained.


On the basis of a report summarizing the actions undertaken in the amicable phase, we propose the necessary remedies.

During the procedure, we collaborate with our partner lawyers and bailiffs, in order to optimize recovery times.
Regarding costs, our partners are subject to fee agreements, so that our customers' expenses are controlled.

To this end, all invoices from our service providers are checked before payment.

Our challenge

Cover without unpleasant surprises for our customers! Our experienced collaborators ensure a personalized follow-up of each file, with our customers , with updates and regular reports.

Availability and diligence of our agents allow a human and permanent reception of our customers.